On John Portman's Atria: Two Exercises in Hotel Composition
Heather Ligler and Athanassios Economou
Proceedings of the Eight International Conference Design Computing and Cognition (DCC)
John Portman, Shape grammars, Formal composition, Design education
Two formal exercises in hotel composition are presented. In both, the hos-pitality work of the architect John Portman is the focus. His language of hollow forms is addressed following his unique claim on the organizing principles found in his 1964 house, Entelechy I. The first exercise outlines a generative specification for his atrium hotel language in a parametric shape grammar informed by the logic of the house that generates an atrium hotel prototype. The second exercise speculates with a sketch on how transfor-mation grammars can yield various configurations to explore Portman’s atrium hotel language for a series of initial shapes. The overall goal of the research is to progress an ongoing effort to build a constructive theory on Portman’s architectural language as explored for a variety of scales and con-texts.